Honey Cucumber Facial Treatment

Pamper yourself on the Dream Vacation Islands, now!

10 oz (1 cup) of honey
10 drops of fresh lime juice
1 medium sized cucumber, thinly sliced

Cleanse your face with warm water and a natural cloth. Mix honey and lime juice together and massage into face for 15 minutes. The sticky turned slippery sensation is sublime. Lime peels away surface cells and the honey will soften the skin. Wipe away the residue of honey and pat dry. Neatly place the cucumber patches over your face and neck. They feel cool while they tighten the skin and replenish moisture. Finishing with moisturizer to feel fresh.

窩在五星級小島 當然也要好好寵愛自己一番

Modeling by Helen (Germany), Assistants: AJ, Angel, Feny


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