Al Bustan Palace Intercontinental Muscat, Oman

The Al Bustan Palace InterContinental Muscat is set against a dramatic mountain backdrop on 200 acres of private beach and lush green gardens.

有如宮殿般華麗的 The Al Bustan Palace InterContinental Muscat 依在山形陡峭的背景前方 昂立在面積200英畝的私有海灘和豪華的綠意庭院中

Don's Note on 10/1/2008: This hotel is currently closed for renovation and will reopen on November 1, 2008. However, they are still accepting reservations.

Don 在2008/10/1的註記: 這家旅館因為整修內部而暫停營業 直到2008年11月1日重新開幕 目前仍然接受訂房


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