
Japan, 10/14/2008

-中古カメラは、トップが前回の17位から一挙にランクアップした「PENTAX・K10D」。2位は僅差で「キヤノン・EOS 40D」。3位は「ニコン・D300」に。4位に「D200」、5位に「D80」とニコンが上位に。

(English and Chinese versions are translated by Don Schumann)
Here is the top 10 digital camera selling chart of September, 2008.
- For the company, model and ranking details of the digital camera please refer to the chart.
- There are substantial fluctuations in the brand new cameras products sales rankings.
- Nikon D80 on top of the list. Nikon D60 and Nikon D300 follow after taking 2nd and 3rd places. Nikon D700 takes 6th.
- For those used cameras, Pentax K10D runs from 17th all the way to the top. 2nd place, Cannon EOS 40D, misses by narrow margin. Nikon D300 stands at 3rd, Nikon D200 at 4th and Nikon D80 takes 5th place. All Nikons are on the higher rankings.

(以上英文版 及下列中文版皆由 Don Schumann 所翻譯)
﹣Nikon D80高居榜首 Nikon D60和Nikon D300緊隨其後 位居2、3名 Nikon D700為第6名
﹣二手相機的名次 原先從第17名的Pentax K10D一路衝向冠軍寶座 第二名Cannon EOS 40D緊緊跟隨 Nikon D300位居第3 落在第4名的是Nikon D200 並且 常勝軍Nikon D80取得第5名 所有的Nikon風光地佔盡排行榜

You might interested in the detail chart below, (sorry it is a Japanese site)
詳細的排行榜內容在下, (抱歉 原始網站只有日文)



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