::Part III:: Author-Meets-Reader Session Taipei

Above photo by Assistant Rake

旅店浪人 • 島遊家 玩味宿霧島 臺北座談會

見面會的日期為 2008/6/21(星期六)時間為下午 15:30

- 免費入場 -

賽尚圖文 主辦

Hotel Trotter • Island Traveler Author-Meets-Reader Session

I am pleased to announce the excellent opportunity to meet and learn in an open session at the Kinokuniya bookstore on the 5th floor of Breeze Center (Mall) in Taipei City, Taiwan.
Date on 6/21/2008 (Saturday), gathering time 15:30 PM.

- Free Entry -

Kinokuniya Bookstore at Breeze Center (Mall), Taipei
5F, #39, Section 1, Fu Xing South Road, Taipei City, Taiwan
Hosted by Tsai's Idea


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