
Showing posts from 2007

D40xのメーカー在庫終了 End of Nikon D40x 庫存全出清

ニコン、D40xのメーカー在庫終了を発表 ニコンは、デジタル一眼レフカメラ「D40x」のメーカー在庫が終了したと、Webサイトの製品情報ページで告知した。ボディを同じくするD40については、特に発表はない。 D40x は、3月に発売されたエントリー向けデジタル一眼レフカメラ。2006年12月に発売されたD40の姉妹機で、D40がAPS-Cサイズの有効610万画素CCDを搭載するのに対し、D40xはD80と同等の1,020万画素CCDと画像処理エンジンを搭載する。ペンタミラー式のファインダーを採用するほか、ボディ内のフォーカス駆動用モーターが省略されている。 【28日追記】28日現在、製品情報ページにメーカー在庫終了の告知は掲載されていない。なお、D40xのメーカー在庫終了は国内のみとのこと。また、D40は継続されることが確認できた。 Announcing the inventory stock end of Nikon D40x Nikon announced on their product information website that the manufacturer and the inventory of digital single-lens reflex camera Nikon D40x ended. There is no especially announcement concerning D40 which does the body similarly. (The second paragraph Nikon explains the difference between D40 and D40x.) [post script on 28 Dec] The above announcement was not on the website anymore. The termination of stock holding of D40x is only for domestic market. Also it was confirmed that sales of D40 continues. 製造商宣佈Nikon D40x 庫存全已出清 Nikon 在他們的產品資訊網站上 宣佈數位單鏡反射照相機...

Nikon Updates 最新消息

12/28/2007 -- Nikon 宣佈了500mm F4 VR AF-S 和 600mm F4 VR AF-S 的出貨日期為1/30/2008。 12/24/2007 -- Nikon 因應熱銷,再度提升了Nikon D3 的生產量從原先九月份計劃的每個月8,000 台到10,000 台,Nikon D300 從九月份的每個月60,000 台追加到70,000 台。

VFX Breakdowns

Nowadays breathtaking Visual Effects it has given in loads of movies. Most of us are very curious to know that how these effects are designed and some of them don’t even bother to think how much effort was made in the making of these effects.

Mouthwatering Filipino Delicacies

Mouthwatering Filipino Delicacies Sinigang na Hipon

Who's Coming For Dinner

Who's Coming For Dinner Commercial shoot for a homeware chain company, 2005 Summer. 誰來晚餐 2005年 為大型居家連鎖公司所拍攝的夏季商品廣告照片 Styling by Lucy Assistants by L, S. & C. Location in BeiTou, Taipei All Photos by me, Don Schumann Lighting & Setup by Assistants L, S. & C. Creation by Cynthia & me, Don Schumann

Princes Street, Edinburgh

Princes Street, Edinburgh

There You Go, Brian

11/17/2007, 23:48, Taipei 1/2006 Maribago Bluewater Beach Resort in Cebu 2006年1月 宿霧 Maribago Bluewater Beach Resort

Slightly Drunk

Slightly Drunk My work of Remy Martin's advertising campaign series for Spring of 2005.

Nikon Japan 日本廠生產線動態

Nikon 對 Nikon D3上市第一年的粗略估計期待銷售量大致為144,000台   Nikon 長久以來忽略了 他們的專業系列 他們必須加快腳步追求對等條件 才足以恢復向對手挑戰的力氣 Nikon的名譽一向被建立在最高階職業照相機的品質 歷經那麼多年來的蹣跚而行 歸咎於他們的消費者產品線 (小DC) 市場失利 一直到他們世界性狂銷的救命機種 Nikon D70的面世 才力挽狂瀾 預計今年十一月登場的 Nikon D3至少在規格面看來 不僅匹配得上它家的條件 而且 甚至在許多情況下已經超越了 Nikon D3在日本的仙台工廠製造與(先前被報導披露 Nikon的唯一照相機在那裡生產的) Nikon D2Xs一起 仙台工廠雇用大約1,100個工人 每日只採單一班次運作當前的 Nikon D3產量為每天400台 仙台廠可能在(今年十一月)正式推出以後把每日產能追加到600台頂級機(每個月產量12,000台)若有需要時 傳言中 Nikon即將在接下來的六個到九個月間 推出一台與 D3所有的特點相似 但是採用25MP全片幅 價值$8,000美元的機種 那應該叫什麼呢 Nikon D3X嗎? *報道資料 2007年10月31日 デジタル一眼レフカメラ「ニコンD3」「ニコンD300」などの発売日決定のお知らせ 商品名    デジタル一眼レフカメラ「ニコンD3」 価格    オープンプライス 発売予定日    2007年11月30日 商品名    デジタル一眼レフカメラ「ニコンD300」 価格    オープンプライス 発売予定日    2007年11月23日 *Press Release (in English translation) on 10/31/2007, Japan Nikon announced today that the D300 will be available on Nov 23, with the D3 a week later (the 30th).

Nikon 泰國廠生產線動態

目前正在熱賣中的Nikon D40 D40X和D80 促使Nikon DSLR照相機一舉登上在日本及部份歐洲地區的銷售冠軍寶座 這幾款現有型號的市場需求仍然超出原定銷售計劃的數據 按照這個現況來看 Nikon想要再推動全新機型的可能性非常低 Nikon宣佈 他們在今年九月份開始Nikon D300 (雖然截至目前尚未出貨) 每個月的產量已經追加到60,000台 用來因應大眾對這臺照相機上市後的期望需求 Nikon本身對Nikon D300上市第一年的粗略估計期待銷售量大致為750,000台 Nikon D300是在泰國工廠中製造的 與Nikon D40 D40X D80 D200以及許多的Nikon鏡頭一樣 雖然 工廠雇員大約15,000個人並且 全天操作三個班運轉 它仍然有困難跟上愛好者的需求面 由於尚未上市的新機受到高度的期待 Nikon D200的裝配線很可能已被轉為Nikon D300製造使用 事實上 Nikon一再宣稱強調Nikon D200並未停產 然而世界上卻是早已全面性的大缺貨 對於買不起或用不到Nikon D300(或因機器太重)的高階業餘或職業用家們 真正所期待的Nikon D80升級款 也將在不到兩個月內逼近Nikon每隔16個月的小改款進化週期了 看來 蠢蠢欲動的你 蓄勢待發之前的你 從現在起 可得省吃撿用一番囉 *報道資料 2007年10月31日 デジタル一眼レフカメラ「ニコンD3」「ニコンD300」などの発売日決定のお知らせ 商品名     デジタル一眼レフカメラ「ニコンD3」 価格     オープンプライス 発売予定日     2007年11月30日 商品名     デジタル一眼レフカメラ「ニコンD300」 価格     オープンプライス 発売予定日     2007年11月23日 *Press Release (in English translation) on 10/31/2007, Japan Nikon announced today that the D300 will be available on Nov 23, with the D3 a week late...

Completely Unwind on a Resort Island

Completely Unwind on a Resort Island My latest work released in an airlines' in-flight magazine featuring on best resorts of Cebu, Philippines.

Totally Refresh at Pusan

Totally Refresh at Pusan My latest article published in an airlines' in-flight magazine featuring on South Korean fine food and spa in Pusan.

Good Morning, World!

10/14/2007 Pinoy Breakfast

Defining Luxury Suites

Luxury Mezzanine Suites

Discovery Shores Boracay Resort and Spa

I shot this luxury hotel when it was not yet officially open

Transition in the Air 形勢擋不住

7/22/2007 Photo credit: Stephen Shankland

This is a Real Home

This is a real home

Don Schumann の脳内メーカー

Don Schumann の能力

Dream Vacation Island

On location in Boracay (island) of a popular destination, Philippines


6/17/2007 How about some Raspberry flavor? 來點覆盆子氣味如何?

Blue Starfish

Japanese entertainer Akane Souma




5/18/2007 How about some Blueberry aroma? 試試看藍莓情調怎樣?

Philippine Tarsier

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Photo by Don Tarsiers are nocturnal creatures, being active and looking for food during the night, and preying mainly on insects. They are tiny animals, measuring about four to six inches in height. Their small size makes them difficult to discover. During the day, tarsiers sleep in dark hollows close to the ground. Their natural habitat is the tropical rainforest with dense vegetation and trees. Photo by Don Tarsiers have round heads that can be rotated 180 degrees, with large membranous ears that appear to be almost constantly moving. They have uniquely large goggling eyes (disproportionate to their heads and body), listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the largest eyes on a mammal. They use their thin tail about twice their body length to balance themselves. They habitually cling vertically to trees and are capable of leaping from branch to branch. The thick and silky fur is colored gray to dark brown. Their hind limbs are elon...

This "Techno GearHead" 關於這個文章類別

This "Techno GearHead" Category I understand that many of you are curious about how I made those tempting pictures spreading out onto these blog pages, or the commercial works you might have seen out there already. This particular " Don Schumann Photography Work Log " site is more of showcasing blog. Technically Know-How Q&A is not my goal of setting up this blog. However, you might want to post your feedbacks. I am not going to answer any of the techno talks only if I have something to say. Please just sit back, relax and enjoy the viewing feast I am presenting. 關於這" Techno GearHead" 類別 我瞭解你們大家對於我貼在這些部落格站點裡頭那些吸引人的圖片感到好奇 或者 你也許已經在某處看過我的商業作品 這個 “ Don Schumann 攝影工作日誌 ” 站點比較像是陳列展示的部落格 技術上的解答並不是我設立這個的部落格的初衷 然而 你也許想要張貼你的反應回饋 除了 當我針對某事有感而發的貼文 我將不會回答其中任一個技術性的提問 最後 請您放鬆並且享受我為您端上的視覺饗宴大餐

Pearl Farm Beach Resort

My first reportage on romantic Samal Beach Island resort of Davao in Philippines, as the extension of the "Dream Vacation Islands" Series, was just released here by the Taiwan top leading web news, ETtoday. Written in Chinese by Feny Octavia. I apologize to all non-Chinese speakers. Photographed by of course, me, Don Schumann. Please, be sure to check out those stunning pictures I would like to share with you.