About Don Schumann 關於作者

2/7/2008, updated

About Author

Don Schumann

I am now resident in Taipei, Taiwan. However I am taking assignments worldwide since 1988. Don Schumann Photography covers a broad range of subjects. Shooting editorial, scenery, interior, glamour, fashion and people portrait for industrial, commercial and advertising clients. My feature articles of international travel, food and dining for both (periodical and/or in-flight) magazines and major newspapers frequently appear since 1995. A couple picture-oriented title and travel books published in between.

2005 Set up a photography firm in Taiwan.

2004 Photographed for Philippine Department of Tourism, then became the official photographer.

2001 Current home based in Taipei, Taiwan, covering Southeast Asia and Middle East regions.

1999 Transfered to London, UK, covering the Europe continent as well.

1995 Home based back in Los Angeles.

1992 Took assignments from a couple Japanese magazines/companies. Started my fashion and glamor photography.

1990 Participated in a Dutch group for the stage performance. Joined an American/British theatrical firm doing commercial performance.

1989 Shot for for American organizations and Dutch dance groups.

1988 Started commercial photography in Hong Kong, aiming primarily at Southeast Asia multinational corporations.


Don Schumann

2005 在台灣台北成立攝影公司。事實上,Don Schumann從1988年起就開始承接全球性的通告,提供多樣化的商業攝影服務,並為世界知名的企業、工商團體以及廣告業主拍攝風景、室內空間、明星藝人、政經名人、時尚服裝、企業刊物和商業產品。並從1997年起,經常性地將個人在國際間有關景觀、購物、美食的見聞發表在坊間的旅遊期刊和大型報紙,包含空中雜誌在內。這些年來,也發行了數本以照片為主的書籍和手冊。

1988 由香港開始商業攝影 以東南亞地區的跨國公司為主要客戶

1989 同時為美國機構與荷蘭籍舞蹈團體做舞台攝影

1990 參與荷蘭團體的舞台業餘表演 並進入英國和美國劇場做商業演出

1992 為多家日本雜誌暨商社攝影 同時開始時裝、藝人寫真

1995 以美國洛杉磯及好萊塢為工作基地

1999 轉往英國倫敦為根據地 工作區域涵蓋歐洲大陸

2001 目前落腳台灣台北 工作地點包含東南亞及中東地區

2004 為菲律賓國家觀光部攝影 並成為該國官方指定攝影師

2005 在台灣台北成立攝影公司


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