(all image credits from website) It seems as if cameras keep getting wilder designs and expending horizons. What will they look like if their designers thought outside the box?
A newly available software is called Shuttersnitch which allows you to enable to transfer images to the iPad and computer wirelessly. 最近上市的新軟體 Shuttersnitch 能夠讓您透過無線的方式傳輸圖像到 iPad 和電腦設備上
(Credit: gizmag.com) World Expo 2010 is now taking place in Shanghai and Canon is there to showcase what they store for us in the near future. 2010年世界博覽會目前在上海發燒 其中 佳能在那裡陳列出他們即將為我們在近期推出的全新概念機種