先日よみうりランドでおこなわれた、ヘリコプターボーイズのライブの模様を収録したビ デオです。 ニコンの世界初プロジェクター付きデジタルカメラをカラダに装着して、撮影したり、プ ロジェクターで投映しながら、ダンスパフォーマンスを見せます。 This is a video of the Helicopter Boyz live performance at Yomiuri Land which took place the other day. We will show you a dance performance with Nikon's new digital camera that has a projector function, strapped around the body, and take shots which will be projecting on a screen.
Ha Long Bay (literally: Descending Dragon bay; Vietnamese: Vịnh Hạ Long) is a UNESCO World Heritage site located in Quảng Ninh province, Vietnam. Ha Long Bay has an area of around 1,553 km², incuding 1,960 islets, most of which are limestone