
Showing posts from September, 2005

Horseback Couple

9/23 - 9/25/2005 This Bus Wrap Advertising running for one whole month. 這波車廂外包覆式大廣告強打週期整整持續一個月 Styling by Tina Hairstyle by Akane All Photos by me, Don Schumann Lighting by Assistants Simon & E Makeup & Creation by Akane & me, Don Modeling by Akane Souma 相馬茜 & 阿布 Location at El Kabayo Riding Stables in Subic Bay, Philippines 幕後花絮: You might enjoy the behind the scenes story: Miss Akane Souma 相馬茜小姐


Hotel Trotter - Travel Expert, between Cebu and Bohol island. 旅店浪人 - 超級島遊家 宿霧島 - 薄荷島

All Sexy Shoes

8/25/2005 Shoes! All luxury high heel shoes around!